Building » Building the DIPlib project on Linux

Compiling DIPlib requires a few programs that often are not present on a bare Linux installation. It depends on your distribution how you can obtain these. Below we give instructions for Ubuntu.

See CMake configuration for additional information on the build targets and CMake configuration options.

Everything here requires a shell (such as Bash), which typically runs inside a terminal window. If you’re using Linux we’ll assume you know where to find this.

Installing build tools and dependencies on Ubuntu

Type the following command in your shell:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake git

This will install all the required tools. Depending on your version of Ubuntu, you might have a compiler that is too old to correctly build DIPlib. To see which version of GCC you have, type:

g++ --version

You want to see at least version 5.4, but later versions would be better. If your version of GCC is older, you will need to manually install a newer version.

If you want to compile DIPviewer, you need to install freeglut as well:

sudo apt install freeglut3-dev

To compile the documentation yourself (note that the compiled documentation can be found online), you need dox++. See Building the DIPlib documentation for details.

Finally, even if the python3 program is already installed, you might need to install the Python 3 header files and static library:

sudo apt install python3-dev

Cloning the repository

Next, get the source repository from GitHub:

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone

This creates a directory src/diplib in your home directory. Feel free to use any other directory if you prefer.


To build, run cmake and make from a build directory:

mkdir ~/src/diplib/target
cd ~/src/diplib/target
cmake ..
make -j check
make -j install

This will install to /usr/local. If you prefer to install elsewhere, change the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. For example:


This will install DIPlib, DIPviewer, DIPjavaio, DIPimage and the documentation under the lib, include and share directories in your home directory.

Before running make, examine the output of cmake to verify all the features you need are enabled, and that your chosen dependencies were found. This is also a good moment to disable the features that you don’t need. By default, everything will be build and installed, if the required external dependencies are found: you need FreeGLUT or GLFW for DIPviewer, a Java JDK for DIPjavaio, Python for PyDIP, and MATLAB for DIPimage. Add -DDIP_BUILD_DIPVIEWER=Off, -DDIP_BUILD_JAVAIO=Off, -DDIP_BUILD_DIPIMAGE=Off or -DDIP_BUILD_PYDIP=Off to your CMake command to turn the corresponding component off, if you don’t need that component.

See CMake variables for a summary of all the CMake options to manually specify paths and configure your build.

PyDIP is installed separately through pip. Once the install target has finished building and installing, run

make pip_install

Note that it is necessary to install the DIPlib libraries before running the pip_install target.

We recommend you additionally specify the -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=native" option to cmake. This will enable additional optimizations that are specific to your computer. Note that the resulting binaries will likely be slower on a different computer, and possibly not work at all.

If you build a static version of the DIPlib library, DIPimage and PyDIP will not work correctly.

Enabling Bio-Formats

If building only DIPimage (the MATLAB toolbox), skip this section and instead follow the directions you can read when you do help readim in MATLAB after installation.

First, make sure you have the Java 8 SDK (JDK 8) or later installed, you can obtain it from the Oracle website for commercial purposes, or from for an open-source build.

When running CMake with the proper JDK installed, the DIPjavaio module becomes available.

Check the CMake output to see which JNI was found. It should match the version of Java found. These two should be listed together, but the JNI output is only produced on first run. Delete the CMakeCache.txt file to run cmake fresh and see all its output.

If the version of JNI found is not the one in the JDK, or if it is not found at all, add -DJAVA_HOME=<path> to the cmake command line:

cmake .. -DJAVA_HOME=/opt/jvm/java-8-oracle

Note that these arguments to cmake must be combined with the arguments mentioned earlier, into a single, long command line argument.

Using DIPimage

Once the install target has finished building and installing the toolbox, start MATLAB. Type the following command:


This will make the toolbox available (replace /Users/<name>/dip with the actual path you installed to).

To get started using DIPimage, read the DIPimage User Manual, and look through the help, starting at

help DIPimage

Or start the GUI:


If you see error messages such as

Invalid MEX-file '/Users/\<name>/dip/share/DIPimage/measure.mexa64':
/<path>/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found
(required by /Users/\<name>/dip/share/DIPimage/../../lib/

then please read this next section.

MATLAB and the GCC libraries

Skip this section if you do not have any problems running DIPimage functions.

MATLAB is built on Linux with a version of GCC that is typically various years behind the latest, and it ships with copies of the GCC libraries so that it can run on older systems that have older versions of those libraries. When building a MEX-file with a newer version of GCC, the MEX-file will depend on a newer version of the GCC libraries than what MATLAB links against, and will therefore fail to load within MATLAB.

In the documentation they specify which compiler versions are compatible with each version of MATLAB. This list includes the version of GCC used to build that version of MATLAB, and a few older releases. That is, their solution to this issue is to tell customers to use only those specific versions of GCC to build MEX-files. If you do want to follow MATLAB’s recommendation, then install one of the supported compilers, and add tell CMake about them using the following command:


(replacing gcc-9 and g++-9 with the actual names of the compiler installed). Then rebuild the whole project.

However, there’s a simpler solution. Given that you have a newer version of GCC installed than that used by MATLAB, and given that the GCC libraries are perfectly backwards-compatible, one can simply delete the libraries distributed with MATLAB, and have it use the ones in your system. In the directory <matlabroot>/sys/os/glnxa64, delete the file libstdc++.*, and possibly also the files libg2c.* and libgcc_s* (or rather, rename them, so you can put them back if things go sour). Note that you need to restart MATLAB after making this change. You can discover what <matlabroot> is by typing matlabroot at the MATLAB command prompt.

Using PyDIP

Once the pip_install target has finished installing, start Python. The following command will import the PyDIP package as dip, which is shorter to type and mimics the namespace used in the C++ library:

import diplib as dip

To get started using PyDIP, look through the help, starting at


The PyDIP User Manual is still quite short, but does contain some important information to get you started.