namespace dip
namespace contains all the library functionality.- class AlignedAllocInterface
that allocates aligned data. - class AlignedBuffer
A container used to allocate 32-byte aligned buffers. - class AssertionError
Exception class indicating that an internal inconsistency was found (the library code is wrong). - class bin
Type for samples in a binary image. Can store 0 or 1. Occupies 1 byte. - class BinaryRandomGenerator
Generates random binary values. - struct BoundingBox
Encodes a bounding box in a 2D image by the top left and bottom right corners (both coordinates included in the box). - class BresenhamLineIterator
An iterator to iterate over pixels along a straight line. -
struct ChainCode
The contour of an object as a chain code sequence.- class Code
Encodes a single chain code, as used bydip::ChainCode
. - struct CodeTable
Provides data that are helpful when processing chain codes.
- class Code
- struct ColocalizationCoefficients
Holds Colocalization Coefficients as described by Manders, seedip::MandersColocalizationCoefficients
. - class ColorSpaceConverter abstract
Abstract base class for conversion between two color spaces. - class ColorSpaceManager
An object of this class is used to convert images between color spaces. - struct ConvexHull
A convex hull is a convex polygon. It can be constructed from a simpledip::Polygon
, and is guaranteed clockwise. - class CoordinatesComputer
Computes pixel coordinates based on an index or offset. - class CovarianceAccumulator
computes covariance and correlation of pairs of samples by accumulating the first two central moments and cross-moments. -
class CovarianceMatrix
A 2D covariance matrix for computation with 2D vertices.- struct Eigenvalues
Container for matrix eigenvalues. - struct EllipseParameters
Container for ellipse parameters.
- struct Eigenvalues
- struct DataType
objects are used to indicate what the data type of an image is. - class DFT
An object that encapsulates the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). - class DimensionArray
A dynamic array type optimized for few elements. -
class DirectedGraph
A directed, edge-weighted graph. - class DirectionalStatisticsAccumulator
computes directional mean and standard deviation by accumulating a unit vector with the input value as angle. -
class Distribution
Holds probability density functions and other types of distribution- class ConstSample
One unmutable sample of a distribution, seedip::Distribution::Sample
for details. - class IteratorTemplate
An iterator fordip::Distribution
. Dereferences into aSample
or aConstSample
(the value ofT
). - class Sample
One sample of a distribution.
- class ConstSample
- class Error
Base exception class. All exceptions thrown in DIPlib are derived of this class. - class ExternalInterface abstract
Support for external interfaces. - class FastVarianceAccumulator
computes mean and standard deviation by accumulating the sum of sample values and the sum of the square of sample values. -
namespace Feature
Contains classes that implement the measurement features.- class Base abstract
The abstract base class for all measurement features. - class ChainCodeBased abstract
The abstract base class for all chain-code–based measurement features. - class Composite abstract
The abstract base class for all composite measurement features. - class ConvexHullBased abstract
The abstract base class for all convex-hull–based measurement features. - class ImageBased abstract
The abstract base class for all image-based measurement features. - struct Information
Information about a measurement feature - class LineBased abstract
The abstract base class for all line-based measurement features. - class PolygonBased abstract
The abstract base class for all polygon-based measurement features. - struct ValueInformation
Information about a measurement value, one of the components of a feature
- class Base abstract
- struct FeretValues
Contains the various Feret diameters as returned bydip::ConvexHull::Feret
. - struct FileInformation
A data structure with information about an image file. - class FixedOutputBuffer
An output buffer implementation that cannot be resized. -
namespace Framework
Frameworks are the basis of most pixel-based processing in DIPlib.- struct FullBuffer
Structure that holds information about input or output pixel buffers for thedip::Framework::Full
callback function object. - class FullLineFilter abstract
Prototype line filter fordip::Framework::Full
. - struct FullLineFilterParameters
Parameters to the line filter fordip::Framework::Full
. - class ProjectionFunction abstract
Prototype line filter fordip::Framework::Projection
. - struct ScanBuffer
Structure that holds information about input or output pixel buffers for thedip::Framework::Scan
callback function object. - class ScanLineFilter abstract
Prototype line filter fordip::Framework::Scan
. - struct ScanLineFilterParameters
Parameters to the line filter fordip::Framework::Scan
. - struct SeparableBuffer
Structure that holds information about input or output pixel buffers for thedip::Framework::Separable
callback function object. - class SeparableLineFilter abstract
Prototype line filter fordip::Framework::Separable
. - struct SeparableLineFilterParameters
Parameters to the line filter fordip::Framework::Separable
. - class VariadicScanLineFilter
An implementation of the ScanLinefilter for N input images and 1 output image.
- struct FullBuffer
class FreeTypeTool
Class used to draw text using a specified font file (TTF, OTF, etc).- struct TextInfo
Data structure returned bydip::FreeTypeTool::DrawText
- struct TextInfo
- struct GaussianParameters
Parameters defining a 1D Gaussian. Returned bydip::GaussianMixtureModel
. - class GaussianRandomGenerator
Generates random floating-point values taken from a normal distribution. - class GenericImageIterator
A data-type–agnostic version ofdip::ImageIterator
. Use this iterator only to write code that does not know at compile-time what the data type of the image is. - class GenericJointImageIterator
A data-type–agnostic version ofdip::JointImageIterator
. Use this iterator only to write code that does not know at compile-time what the data type of the image is. -
class Graph
A non-directed, edge-weighted graph. -
class Histogram
Computes and holds histograms.- struct Configuration
Configuration information for how the histogram is computed.
- struct Configuration
class Image
Represents an image with all associated information.- class CastPixel
Derived fromdip::Image::Pixel
, works identically except it implicitly converts to typeT
. \relates dip::Image::Pixel - class CastSample
Derived fromdip::Image::Sample
, works identically except it implicitly converts to typeT
. \relates dip::Image::Sample -
class Pixel
A pixel represents a set of numeric value in an image, see Image representation.- class Iterator
An iterator to iterate over the samples in the pixel. Mutable forward iterator.
- class Iterator
- class Sample
A sample represents a single numeric value in an image, see Image representation. -
class View
A view represents a subset of samples in an image. It can be assigned to to change those samples.- class Iterator
View iterator, similar in functionality todip::GenericImageIterator
- class Iterator
- class CastPixel
class ImageDisplay
Encapsulates state of an image in a display window, and provides the functionality for converting the image to a form suitable for display.- struct Limits
Intensity mapping limits
- struct Limits
- class ImageIterator
An iterator to iterate over all pixels of an image, or all lines of an image. - class ImageSliceIterator
An iterator for slice-by-slice processing of an image. Use it to process a multi-dimensional image as a series of lower-dimensional images. - class Interval
Represents the shape of an interval for inf-generating and sup-generating operators. - struct IsIndexingType
For use withstd::enable_if
to enable templates only for types that are indexing types, true for signed and unsigned integers. Seedip::IsSampleType
for usage details. - struct IsNumericType
For use withstd::enable_if
to enable templates only for types that are numeric types, similar tostd::is_arithmetic
but also true for complex types. Seedip::IsSampleType
for usage details. - struct IsSampleType
For use withstd::enable_if
to enable templates only for types that are valid for image samples. - namespace javaio
Contains all functionality for DIPjavaio. - class JointImageIterator
An iterator to iterate over all pixels of multiple images. - class Kernel
Represents the shape and size of a filtering kernel. - class LabelMap
Represents a set of labels (object IDs), and maps them to new ones. - struct LibraryInformation
Holds information about the DIPlib binary. - class LineIterator
An iterator to iterate over all pixels of an image line. - class LookupTable
Encapsulates the concept of the look-up table (LUT). -
class Measurement
Contains measurement results, as obtained throughdip::MeasurementTool::Measure
.- struct FeatureInformation
Structure containing information about the features stored in adip::Measurement
object -
class IteratorFeature
An iterator to visit all features (column groups) in thedip::Measurement
table. Can also be seen as a view over a specific feature.- class Iterator
An iterator to visit all objects (rows) within a feature (column group) of thedip::Measurement
- class Iterator
class IteratorObject
An iterator to visit all objects (rows) in thedip::Measurement
table. Can also be seen as a view over a specific object.- class Iterator
An iterator to visit all features (columns) within an object (row) of thedip::Measurement
- class Iterator
- struct FeatureInformation
- class MeasurementTool
Performs measurements on images. - class Metric
Represents a metric to be used to create adip::NeighborList
- class MinMaxAccumulator
computes minimum and maximum values of a sequence of values. - class MomentAccumulator
accumulates the zeroth order moment, the first order normalized moments, and the second order normalized central moments, inN
dimensions. -
class NeighborList
Defines the neighborhood of a pixel as a set of coordinates, with optionally their distance.- class Iterator
Iterates over the neighbors in theNeighborList
- class Iterator
- struct OneDimensionalFilter
Describes a 1D filter -
namespace Option
Enumerated options are defined in the namespacedip::Option
, unless they are specific to some other sub-namespace.- namespace CmpProp
Namespace to emulate an enumerator, contains values
- namespace CmpProp
- class OutputBuffer abstract
An abstract base class for output buffers. - class ParameterError
Exception class indicating that a function received an inconsistent or out of range parameter (the calling code is wrong). - struct PerObjectEllipsoidFitParameters
Defines the parameters for thePerObjectEllipsoidFit
function. - struct PhysicalQuantity
Encapsulates a quantity with physical units. - class PixelSize
Specifies an image’s pixel size as physical quantities. -
class PixelTable
Represents an arbitrarily-shaped neighborhood (filter support) in an arbitrary number of dimensions. -
class PixelTableOffsets
Represents an arbitrarily-shaped neighborhood (filter support) in an arbitrary number of dimensions. - class PoissonRandomGenerator
Generates random integer values taken from a poisson distribution. - struct Polygon
A polygon with floating-point vertices. - struct QuartilesResult
Represents the quartiles, seedip::Quartiles
. - class RadiusValues
Holds the various output values of thedip::Polygon::RadiusStatistics
function. - struct RadonCircleParameters
Stores the parameters for one hypersphere (circle, sphere). - class Random
A pseudo-random number generator with excellent statistical properties, and it’s also fast. -
struct Range
Used in indexing to indicate a regular subset of pixels along one image dimension.- class Iterator
An iterator for the range
- class Iterator
- class RDFT
An object that encapsulates the real-valued Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). - struct RegressionParameters
Represents the result of a 2D regression analysis: . - class RunTimeError
Exception class indicating that something happened that we couldn’t predict (e.g. file error). - class SampleIterator
An iterator to iterate over samples in a tensor, or pixels on an image line. - class SimpleOutputBuffer
A simple output buffer implementation. - class SimpleUnionFind
A simplified version ofdip::UnionFind
that doesn’t store any information about the regions, only equivalences. - struct SpatialOverlapMetrics
Holds return values for the functiondip::SpatialOverlap
. - class StatisticsAccumulator
computes population statistics by accumulating the first four central moments. - class StructuringElement
Represents the shape and size of a structuring element. - struct SubpixelLocationResult
Contains the result of the functiondip::SubpixelLocation
. - class Tensor
Describes the shape of a tensor, but doesn’t actually contain tensor data. -
namespace testing
Tools for testing and debugging.- class Timer
A timer object to help time algorithm execution.
- class Timer
- struct TestObjectParams
Describes the parameters for a test object, used bydip::TestObject
. - class ThinPlateSpline
Fits a thin plate spline function to a set of points. Useful for interpolation of scattered points. - class UniformRandomGenerator
Generates random floating-point values taken from a uniform distribution. - class UnionFind
An STL-like data structure for the union-find algorithm. - class Units
Encapsulates the concepts of physical units, using SI units. - class VarianceAccumulator
computes mean and standard deviation by accumulating the first two central moments. - struct Vertex
Encodes a location in a 2D image. -
namespace viewer
Contains all functionality for DIPviewer.- class ControlViewPort
Allows the user to control how the image is displayed. - class GLFWManager
Simple GLFW window manager. - class GLUTManager
Simple GLUT window manager. - class HistogramViewPort
Controls grey-value mapping range and shows color mapping. - class ImageView
- class ImageViewer
Non-interactive 2D RGB image viewer. - class LinkViewPort
Handles viewer linking. - class Manager abstract
Simple window manager. - class SliceView
- class SliceViewer
Interactive nD tensor image viewer. - class StatusViewPort
Displays thedip::viewer::Viewer
’s status. - class TensorViewPort
Allows the user to control which tensor elements are visualized. - class View
Displays a view of thedip::viewer::ViewingOptions
model - class Viewer abstract
A Window for viewing adip::Image
- struct ViewingOptions
Model that determines thedip::viewer::SliceViewer
’s behavior - class ViewPort
Handles interaction in a certain display area to control thedip::viewer::ViewingOptions
model - class Window
Simple GL window
- class ControlViewPort
- class AlignedAllocInterface
namespace dip_opencv
namespace contains the interface between OpenCV 2 (or later) and DIPlib.- class ExternalInterface
This class is thedip::ExternalInterface
for the OpenCV interface.
- class ExternalInterface
- namespace dip_vigra
namespace contains the interface between Vigra and DIPlib. -
namespace dml
namespace contains the interface between MATLAB and DIPlib.- class MatlabInterface
This class is thedip::ExternalInterface
for the MATLAB interface. - class streambuf
An output stream buffer for MEX-files.
- class MatlabInterface