PyDIP User Manual » Indexing

Indexing into a dip.Image object uses the same syntax as other array types in Python:

img[0, 10]
img[0:-1:2, 0:-1:2]

But the indexing follows DIPlib’s rules:

  1. Dimensions are ordered in reverse from how NumPy stores them (the first dimension is horizontal, or x).
  2. The end index is included in the range.
  3. You must provide one range (slice) per dimension, you cannot index only into a subset of dimensions.

The only exception to the 3rd point is that you can index a single pixel using linear indexing (i.e. a single index), which will be interpreted as counting along rows. For example, for a 3D image, coordinates [x, y, z] cooresponds to linear index (z * img.Size(1) + y) * img.Size(0) + x.

It is possible to assign to a subset of the image pixels using indexing:

img[0] = 0
img[0, 10] = img[20, 30]
img[0:-1:2, 0:-1:2] = 255

Unlike in DIPlib, the square brackets index into spatial dimensions. To index into tensor dimensions, use round brackets (parentheses):

img(0, 2)
img(slice(0, 3))

When the indexing operation uses ranges, or indexes into the tensor dimension, then the output is a new dip.Image object that shares data with the original image object. This means that writing to that output also changes the original image:

img2 = img(0)        # this copy shares data with img
img2.Fill(100)       # same as img(0).Fill(100)
img(2)[:,:] = img(0) # note that img(2) = img(0) is not allowed by Python

img2 = img(0).Copy() # this copy does not share data with img
img2.Fill(100)       # does not affect img

Indexing operations that use only single indices along each dimension return a pixel. This is represented as a list with the pixel values (even for scalar images). This list does not share data with the image.

Irregular indexing

There are also indexing operations that select an arbitrary (irregular) subset of pixels. These indexing operations return a new dip.Image object, which is always 1D. This new object does not share data with the original image, the pixel values are copied over. But of course there is also an assignment version of these indexing operations.

There are two irregular indexing methods: a mask image and a list of coordinates.

# Mask image indexing
mask = img > 100
img2 = img[mask]  # this copy does not share data with img
img2.Fill(0)      # does not affect img
img[mask] = 0     # sets pixels selected by mask to 0

# Coordinate list indexing
list = [
    (0, 0),
    (0, 1),
    (0, 5),
    (10, 3),
img3 = img[list]  # also does not share data with img
img[list] = 0     # sets selected pixels to 0

For the mask indexing, the order of the pixels in the 1D output image depends on the internal linear pixel storage order, which is not consistent with any specific (row-major or column-major) order due to operations such as Rotation90() and Mirror(). For the coordinate list indexing, the output order always matches the coordinate list order.