diplib/library/image_views.h file

Defines support classes for the dip::Image class. This file is always included through diplib.h. See Image.


auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Image::Sample const& sample) -> std::ostream&
You can output a dip::Image::Sample to std::cout or any other stream. It is printed like any numeric value of the same type. more...
auto dip::operator+(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator-(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator*(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, tensor multiplication. more...
auto dip::operator/(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator%(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator&(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator|(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator^(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator-(dip::Image::Pixel const& in) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Unary operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator~(dip::Image::Pixel const& in) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise unary operator operator. more...
auto dip::operator!(dip::Image::Pixel const& in) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Boolean unary operator, element-wise. more...
auto dip::operator==(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements. more...
template<typename T, typename <SFINAE>>
auto dip::operator!=(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, equivalent to !(lhs==rhs). more...
auto dip::operator<(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements. more...
auto dip::operator>(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements. more...
auto dip::operator<=(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements. more...
auto dip::operator>=(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements. more...
auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Image::Pixel const& pixel) -> std::ostream&
You can output a dip::Image::Pixel to std::cout or any other stream. It is printed as a sequence of values, prepended with “Pixel with values:”. more...