The library infrastructure » Image module
#include "diplib.h"

The dip::Image class and types that provide a view into it.



class dip::ExternalInterface abstract
Support for external interfaces.
class dip::AlignedAllocInterface
dip::ExternalInterface that allocates aligned data.
class dip::CoordinatesComputer
Computes pixel coordinates based on an index or offset. more...
class dip::Image
Represents an image with all associated information.
class dip::Tensor
Describes the shape of a tensor, but doesn’t actually contain tensor data.


using dip::DataSegment = std::shared_ptr<void>
A dip::Image holds a shared pointer to the data segment using this type.
using dip::ImageArray = std::vector<Image>
An array of images
using dip::ImageRefArray = std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Image>>
An array of image references
using dip::ImageConstRefArray = std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const Image>>
An array of const image references


auto dip::NonOwnedRefToDataSegment(void* ptr) -> dip::DataSegment
This function converts a pointer to a dip::DataSegment that does not own the data pointed to.
auto dip::NonOwnedRefToDataSegment(void const* ptr) -> dip::DataSegment
This function converts a pointer to a dip::DataSegment that does not own the data pointed to.
auto dip::IsOnEdge(dip::UnsignedArray const& coords, dip::UnsignedArray const& sizes, dip::uint procDim = std::numeric_limits::max()) -> bool
Determines whether the pixel at coords is on the edge of an image of size sizes. more...
auto dip::Alias(dip::Image const& img1, dip::Image const& img2) -> bool
Calls img1.Aliases( img2 ). See dip::Image::Aliases.
void dip::DefineROI(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest, dip::UnsignedArray origin = {}, dip::UnsignedArray sizes = {}, dip::UnsignedArray spacing = {})
Makes a new image object pointing to same pixel data as src, but with different origin, strides and size.
void dip::Copy(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest)
Copies samples over from src to dest, identical to the dip::Image::Copy method.
void dip::Copy(dip::Image::View const& src, dip::Image& dest)
Copies samples over from src to dest, identical to the dip::Image::Copy method.
void dip::Copy(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image::View& dest)
Copies samples over from src to dest, identical to the dip::Image::View::Copy method.
void dip::Copy(dip::Image::View const& src, dip::Image::View& dest)
Copies samples over from src to dest, identical to the dip::Image::View::Copy method.
void dip::CopyFrom(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest, dip::Image const& srcMask)
Copies the pixels selected by srcMask in src over to dest. dest will be a 1D image.
void dip::CopyFrom(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest, dip::IntegerArray const& srcOffsets)
Copies the pixels selected by srcOffsets over from src to dest. dest will be a 1D image.
void dip::CopyTo(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest, dip::Image const& destMask)
Copies all pixels from src over to the pixels selected by destMask in dest. dest must be forged.
void dip::CopyTo(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest, dip::IntegerArray const& destOffsets)
Copies all pixels from src over to the pixels selected by destOffsets in dest. dest must be forged.
void dip::ExpandTensor(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest)
Copies samples over from src to dest, expanding the tensor so it’s a standard, column-major matrix.
void dip::Convert(dip::Image const& src, dip::Image& dest, dip::DataType dt)
Copies samples over from src to dest, with data type conversion.
auto dip::CreateImageRefArray(dip::ImageArray& imar) -> dip::ImageRefArray
Creates a dip::ImageRefArray from a dip::ImageArray.
auto dip::CreateImageConstRefArray(dip::ImageArray const& imar) -> dip::ImageConstRefArray
Creates a dip::ImageConstRefArray from a dip::ImageArray.


auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Image const& img) -> std::ostream&
You can output a dip::Image to std::cout or any other stream. Some information about the image is printed.
auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Image::Sample const& sample) -> std::ostream&
You can output a dip::Image::Sample to std::cout or any other stream. It is printed like any numeric value of the same type.
auto dip::operator+(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator-(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator*(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, tensor multiplication.
auto dip::operator/(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator%(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Arithmetic operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator&(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator|(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator^(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator-(dip::Image::Pixel const& in) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Unary operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator~(dip::Image::Pixel const& in) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Bit-wise unary operator operator.
auto dip::operator!(dip::Image::Pixel const& in) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Boolean unary operator, element-wise.
auto dip::operator==(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements.
template<typename T, typename <SFINAE>>
auto dip::operator!=(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, equivalent to !(lhs==rhs).
auto dip::operator<(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements.
auto dip::operator>(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements.
auto dip::operator<=(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements.
auto dip::operator>=(dip::Image::Pixel const& lhs, dip::Image::Pixel const& rhs) -> bool
Comparison operator, can only be true if the two pixels have compatible number of tensor elements.
auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Image::Pixel const& pixel) -> std::ostream&
You can output a dip::Image::Pixel to std::cout or any other stream. It is printed as a sequence of values, prepended with “Pixel with values:”.
auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Tensor const& tensor) -> std::ostream&
Prints information about the tensor.

Class documentation

class dip::CoordinatesComputer

Computes pixel coordinates based on an index or offset.

Objects of this class are returned by dip::Image::OffsetToCoordinatesComputer and dip::Image::IndexToCoordinatesComputer, and act as functors. Call it with an offset or index (depending on which function created the functor), and it will return the coordinates:

auto coordComp = img.OffsetToCoordinatesComputer();
auto coords1 = coordComp( offset1 );
auto coords2 = coordComp( offset2 );
auto coords3 = coordComp( offset3 );

Note that the coordinates must be inside the image domain, if the offset given does not correspond to one of the image’s pixels, the result is meaningless.

Function documentation

bool dip::IsOnEdge(dip::UnsignedArray const& coords, dip::UnsignedArray const& sizes, dip::uint procDim = std::numeric_limits::max())

Determines whether the pixel at coords is on the edge of an image of size sizes.

coords and sizes must have the same size, this is not tested for.

procDim is the processing dimension. This dimension is ignored in the test. If it is outside the range of dimensions in sizes (as it is by default) then no dimension will be ignored.

In some algorithms, coords indicates the first pixel on a line. This pixel obviously is on the edge of the image. But the algorithm might be interested in knowing if all the pixels of the line are along an edge of the image, or only the first and last one. By setting procDim appropriately, this function will answer that question.