regions.h file
Functions to label connected components and process labeled images. See Labeled regions.
- Reference
auto dip::
Label(dip::Image const& binary, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 0, dip::uint minSize = 0, dip::uint maxSize = 0, dip::StringArray boundaryCondition = {}, dip::String const& mode = S::ALL) -> dip::uint - Labels the connected components in a binary image
auto dip::
ListObjectLabels(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image const& mask = {}, dip::String const& background = S::EXCLUDE, dip::String const& region = "") -> std::vector<LabelType> - Gets a list of object labels in the labeled image. A labeled image must be of an unsigned type.
void dip::
Relabel(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image& out) - Re-assigns labels to objects in a labeled image, such that all labels are consecutive.
void dip::
Relabel(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image& out, dip::Graph const& graph) - Re-assigns labels to objects in a labeled image, such that regions joined by an edge in
obtain the same label. -
void dip::
Relabel(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image& out, dip::DirectedGraph const& graph) - Re-assigns labels to objects in a labeled image, such that regions joined by an edge in
obtain the same label. -
void dip::
SmallObjectsRemove(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::uint threshold, dip::uint connectivity = 0) - Removes small objects from a labeled or binary image.
void dip::
GrowRegions(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::sint connectivity = -1, dip::uint iterations = 0) - Grow (dilate) labeled regions uniformly.
void dip::
GrowRegionsWeighted(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image const& grey, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat distance = infinity) - Grow labeled regions with a speed function given by a grey-value image.
void dip::
SplitRegions(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 0) - Ensures a gap between regions with unequal labels.
void dip::
MakeRegionsConvex2D(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image& out, dip::String const& mode = S::FILLED) - Make each object a single, convex shape.
auto dip::
GetLabelBoundingBox(dip::Image const& label, dip::LabelType objectID) -> dip::RangeArray - Returns the bounding box for all pixels with label
in the labeled or binary imagelabel
. -
auto dip::
RegionAdjacencyGraph(dip::Image const& labels, dip::String const& mode = "touching") -> dip::Graph - Construct a graph for the given labeled image.
auto dip::
RegionAdjacencyGraph(dip::Image const& labels, dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::String const& mode = "touching") -> dip::Graph - Construct a graph for the given labeled image.