The library infrastructure » Support types module
#include "diplib.h"

Types used for image samples (pixels), and related support functionality


namespace dip::Option::CmpProp
Namespace to emulate an enumerator, contains values


template<typename T>
class dip::DimensionArray
A dynamic array type optimized for few elements.
struct dip::Range
Used in indexing to indicate a regular subset of pixels along one image dimension.
struct dip::RegressionParameters
Represents the result of a 2D regression analysis: \(y = a + bx\) . more...
struct dip::QuartilesResult
Represents the quartiles, see dip::Quartiles. more...
class dip::AlignedBuffer
A container used to allocate 32-byte aligned buffers.


using dip::Option::CmpPropFlags = dip::detail::Options
Determines which properties to compare. Combines multiple dip::Option::CmpPropEnumerator values, predefined values are in dip::Option::CmpProp.
using dip::sint = std::ptrdiff_t
An integer type to be used for strides and similar measures.
using dip::uint = std::size_t
An integer type to be used for sizes and the like.
using dip::IntegerArray = dip::DimensionArray
An array to hold strides, filter sizes, etc.
using dip::UnsignedArray = dip::DimensionArray
An array to hold dimensions, dimension lists, etc.
using dip::FloatArray = dip::DimensionArray
An array to hold filter parameters.
using dip::BooleanArray = dip::DimensionArray
An array used as a dimension selector.
using dip::CoordinateArray = std::vector<UnsignedArray>
An array of pixel coordinates.
using dip::FloatCoordinateArray = std::vector<FloatArray>
An array of subpixel coordinates.
using dip::String = std::string
A string, used to specify an option
using dip::StringArray = std::vector<String>
An array of strings, used to specify an option per dimension
using dip::StringSet = std::set<String>
A collection of strings, used to specify multiple independent options
using dip::RangeArray = dip::DimensionArray
An array of ranges


enum class dip::Option::ThrowException: uint8{ DONT_THROW, DO_THROW }
Some functions that check for a condition optionally throw an exception if that condition is not met. more...
enum class dip::Option::AllowSingletonExpansion: uint8{ DONT_ALLOW, DO_ALLOW }
The function dip::Image::CheckIsMask takes this option to control how sizes are compared. more...
enum class dip::Option::AcceptDataTypeChange: uint8{ DONT_ALLOW, DO_ALLOW }
The function dip::Image::ReForge takes this option to control how to handle protected images. more...
enum class dip::Option::CropLocation: uint8{ CENTER, MIRROR_CENTER, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT }
The function dip::Image::Crop takes this option to control which pixels are taken. more...
enum class dip::Option::CmpPropEnumerator: uint8{ DataType, Dimensionality, Sizes, Strides, TensorShape, TensorElements, TensorStride, ColorSpace, PixelSize }
Determines which properties to compare. more...


template<typename T>
void dip::sortIndices(dip::DimensionArray& indices, dip::DimensionArray const& data)
Sorts the indices array with indices into the data array, from smallest to largest. The sort is stable.
template<typename T>
auto dip::SquareDistance(dip::DimensionArray const& v1, dip::DimensionArray const& v2) -> double
Computes the Square Euclidean distance between two points.
template<typename T>
auto dip::Distance(dip::DimensionArray const& v1, dip::DimensionArray const& v2) -> double
Computes the Square Euclidean distance between two points.
template<typename T>
void dip::ArrayUseParameter(dip::DimensionArray& array, dip::uint nDims, T defaultValue = {})
Check the length of an array, and extend it if necessary and possible. more...
auto dip::BooleanFromString(dip::String const& input, dip::String const& trueString, dip::String const& falseString) -> bool
Translates a string input parameter that is meant as a boolean value.
auto dip::StringCompareCaseInsensitive(dip::String const& string1, dip::String const& string2) -> bool
A case-insensitive string comparison, use only with ASCII characters!
void dip::ToLowerCase(dip::String& string)
Convert a string to lower case, use only with ASCII characters!
void dip::ToUpperCase(dip::String& string)
Convert a string to upper case, use only with ASCII characters!


template<typename T>
auto dip::operator==(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, dip::DimensionArray const& rhs) -> bool
Compares two arrays, returns true only if they have the same size and contain the same values.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator!=(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, dip::DimensionArray const& rhs) -> bool
Compares two arrays, returns true if they have different size and/or contain different values.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator>(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, dip::DimensionArray const& rhs) -> bool
Compares two arrays, returns true only if they have the same size and all lhs elements are larger than all rhs elements.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator<(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, dip::DimensionArray const& rhs) -> bool
Compares two arrays, returns true only if they have the same size and all lhs elements are smaller than all rhs elements.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator>=(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, dip::DimensionArray const& rhs) -> bool
Compares two arrays, returns true only if they have the same size and all lhs elements are larger or equal than all rhs elements.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator<=(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, dip::DimensionArray const& rhs) -> bool
Compares two arrays, returns true only if they have the same size and all lhs elements are smaller or equal than all rhs elements.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator==(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> dip::DimensionArray
Compares an array to a scalar, returns a boolean array.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator!=(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> dip::DimensionArray
Compares an array to a scalar, returns a boolean array.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator>(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> dip::DimensionArray
Compares an array to a scalar, returns a boolean array.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator<(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> dip::DimensionArray
Compares an array to a scalar, returns a boolean array.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator>=(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> dip::DimensionArray
Compares an array to a scalar, returns a boolean array.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator<=(dip::DimensionArray const& lhs, T const& rhs) -> dip::DimensionArray
Compares an array to a scalar, returns a boolean array.
template<typename T>
auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::DimensionArray const& array) -> std::ostream&
Writes the array to a stream
auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Range const& range) -> std::ostream&
Display a range as “{start, stop, step}”.


dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::DataType = CmpPropEnumerator::DataType constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::Dimensionality = CmpPropEnumerator::Dimensionality constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::Sizes = CmpPropEnumerator::Sizes constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::Strides = CmpPropEnumerator::Strides constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::TensorShape = CmpPropEnumerator::TensorShape constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::TensorElements = CmpPropEnumerator::TensorElements constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::TensorStride = CmpPropEnumerator::TensorStride constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::ColorSpace = CmpPropEnumerator::ColorSpace constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::PixelSize = CmpPropEnumerator::PixelSize constexpr
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::AllSizes = Sizes+TensorElements constexpr
dip::Option::CmpProp::Sizes + dip::Option::CmpProp::TensorElements.
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::Samples = DataType+Sizes+TensorElements constexpr
dip::Option::CmpProp::DataType + dip::Option::CmpProp::Sizes + dip::Option::CmpProp::TensorElements.
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::Shape = DataType+Sizes+TensorShape constexpr
dip::Option::CmpProp::DataType + dip::Option::CmpProp::Sizes + dip::Option::CmpProp::TensorShape.
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::Full = Shape+Strides+TensorStride constexpr
dip::Option::CmpProp::Shape + dip::Option::CmpProp::Strides + dip::Option::CmpProp::TensorStride.
dip::Option::CmpPropFlags const dip::Option::CmpProp::All = Shape+ColorSpace+PixelSize constexpr
dip::Option::CmpProp::Shape + dip::Option::CmpProp::ColorSpace + dip::Option::CmpProp::PixelSize.


Declare a type used to pass enumerated options to a function or class. more...

Class documentation

struct dip::RegressionParameters

Represents the result of a 2D regression analysis: \(y = a + bx\) .

dip::dfloat intercept intercept, \(a\) .
dip::dfloat slope slope, \(b\) .

struct dip::QuartilesResult

Represents the quartiles, see dip::Quartiles.

dip::dfloat minimum Minimum (0th percentile).
dip::dfloat lowerQuartile Lower or first quartile (25th percentile).
dip::dfloat median Median or second quartile (50th percentile).
dip::dfloat upperQuartile Upper or third quartile (75th percentile).
dip::dfloat maximum Maximum (100th percentile).

Enum documentation

enum class dip::Option::ThrowException: uint8

Some functions that check for a condition optionally throw an exception if that condition is not met.

DONT_THROW = 0 Do not throw and exception, return false if the condition is not met.
DO_THROW = 1 Throw an exception if the condition is not met.

enum class dip::Option::AllowSingletonExpansion: uint8

The function dip::Image::CheckIsMask takes this option to control how sizes are compared.

DONT_ALLOW = 0 Do not allow singleton expansion.
DO_ALLOW = 1 Allow singleton expansion.

enum class dip::Option::AcceptDataTypeChange: uint8

The function dip::Image::ReForge takes this option to control how to handle protected images.

DONT_ALLOW = 0 Do not allow data type change, the output image is always of the requested type.
DO_ALLOW = 1 Allow data type change, if the output image is protected, it will be used as is.

enum class dip::Option::CropLocation: uint8

The function dip::Image::Crop takes this option to control which pixels are taken.

CENTER = 0 The pixel at the origin of the input image is also at the origin in the output image.
MIRROR_CENTER = 1 Same as CENTER, but for even-sized images, the origin is presumed to be left of center, rather than right of center.
TOP_LEFT = 2 The corner of the image at coordinates {0,0,0…} is kept in the corner.
BOTTOM_RIGHT = 3 The corner of the image opposite that of TOP_LEFT is kept in the corner.

enum class dip::Option::CmpPropEnumerator: uint8

Determines which properties to compare.

Implicitly casts to dip::Option::CmpPropFlags. Combine constants together with the + operator.

DataType = 0 Compares data type
Dimensionality = 1 Compares number of dimensions
Sizes = 2 Compares image size
Strides = 3 Compares image strides
TensorShape = 4 Compares tensor size and shape
TensorElements = 5 Compares number of tensor elements
TensorStride = 6 Compares tensor stride
ColorSpace = 7 Compares color space
PixelSize = 8 Compares pixel size

Function documentation

template<typename T>
void dip::ArrayUseParameter(dip::DimensionArray& array, dip::uint nDims, T defaultValue = {})

Check the length of an array, and extend it if necessary and possible.

This function is used where a function’s input parameter is an array that is supposed to match the image dimensionality nDims. The user can give an array of that length, or an array with a single value, which will be used for all dimensions, or an empty array, in which case the default value defaultValue will be used for all dimensions.

Macro documentation


Declare a type used to pass enumerated options to a function or class.

This macro is used as follows:

enum class MyOption { clean, fresh, shine };
DIP_DECLARE_OPTIONS( MyOption, MyOptions )

MyOptions will be a type that combines one or more values from MyOption. These values can be combined using the + operator. A variable of type MyOptions can be tested using its Contains method which returns a bool:

MyOptions opts {};                            // No options are set
opts = MyOption::fresh;                       // Set only one option
opts = MyOption::clean + MyOption::shine;     // Set only these two options
if( opts.Contains( MyOption::clean )) {...}   // Test to see if `MyOption::clean` is set

The Contains method returns true only of all flags specified in the input are set. The == operator returns true only if the two operands contain exactly the same set of flags.

Note that there should be no more than 32 options within the enumerator.

This macro will not work within a class definition – You will need to manually declare the type alias and define the operator outside of the class.