PyDIP User Manual » Combining PyDIP with NumPy

The dip.Image object uses the Python buffer protocol, which makes it very easy to mix PyDIP with NumPy and other image processing packages such as scikit-image or OpenCV, which use NumPy arrays to represent their images.

Images and NumPy arrays

A NumPy array can be passed instead of an image to any DIPlib function. In fact, any Python object that uses the buffer interface implicitly casts to an image. The reverse is also true: NumPy treats DIPlib images as an array, you can call any NumPy function on an image. However, some code that accepts a NumPy array calls methods of the array, which would not be defined for a DIPlib image. For example,

arr = np.zeros((10, 11))
dip.Gauss(arr)          # OK
img = dip.Image((11, 10))
np.amax(img)              # OK
img.max()                 # error! np.array method not defined for dip.Image
img.shape                 # error! np.array property not defined for dip.Image

One can “cast” from a NumPy array to a DIPlib image and back, without copying the data:

x = np.asarray(img)
y = dip.Image(arr)

The image and the array point to the same memory in these two cases: modifying values in the one cause the other to see the modified values as well.

Note that we used np.asarray(), not np.array(). The latter would have copied the data, unless the copy argument is set to False: np.array(img, copy=False) is the same as np.asarray(img).

Dimension ordering

But do note the different interpretation of dimensions and ranges in NumPy and PyDIP, see Indexing:

  1. DIPlib reverses the dimensions from how they are treated by NumPy, with the first index being the x coordinate, the second y, etc. In NumPy, and consequently in libraries such as scikit-image or OpenCV, the x coordinate is always the last index.
  2. Ranges are always inclusive: img[0:10] represents 11 samples in DIPlib, not 10 as in NumPy, because img[10] is part of the range.

Thus, the following indexing operations are identical:

arr = np.zeros((10, 11, 12))
img = dip.Image(arr)
arr[1, 2, 3] == img[3, 2, 1]

By reversing the indexing, we map an image with normal strides to an array in NumPy’s standard C-ordering. The following evaluates to True:

dip.Image( np.zeros((10,11,5,7)) ).HasNormalStrides()

When using a NumPy array as an image in a DIPlib function, it is implicitly cast to a dip.Image object as above, and passed to the DIPlib function. This means that, whether the input is a NumPy array or a DIPlib image, other function parameters that identify dimensions are always interpreted in the same way. For example, the filter sizes are ordered (x, y, z), not (z, y, x) as they would be ordered in scikit-image or other Python imaging libraries.

By calling dip.ReverseDimensions() (which one should do only directly after loading the diplib module to avoid confusing results), PyDIP is configured to reverse dimensions of all DIPlib images. This means that the NumPy indexing order will be preserved, images will be indexed as img[z,y,x]. This has several surprising results, for example the direction of all angles is reversed, with positive angles being counter-clockwise instead of clockwise. This option is intended to make it easier to mix DIPlib functions into code that also uses e.g. scikit-image.

The tensor dimension

When casting a tensor image to a NumPy array, the tensor dimension will become the last array dimension. When casting a NumPy array to a DIPlib image, there is no information about which dimension, if any, is the tensor dimension. By default, the following heuristic is used: if the array has more than two dimensions, and if the smaller of the last or the first array dimension has no more than 4 elements, then that dimension will be the tensor dimension. The tensor will have a column vector shape (this is the default tensor shape in DIPlib). The threshold of 4 was picked because it will handle correctly all color images. This threshold can be adjusted using dip.SetTensorConversionThreshold(). If set to 0, all arrays will be converted to a scalar image.

For example, here img is a 2D image of 11x10 pixels, and three samples per pixel:

arr = np.zeros((10, 11, 3))
img = dip.Image(arr)

The dip.Image() constructor with a NumPy array as input takes an optional argument that determines which axis, if any, is the tensor dimension. Add None to force a scalar output image:

img2 = dip.Image(arr, None)
img3 = dip.Image(arr, tensor_axis=0)

Here, img2 is a 3D scalar image, and img3 is a 3D image with 3x11 pixels, and 10 samples per pixel.

If the NumPy array represents a color image, you will have to explicitly set this information in the new dip.Image object:


Calling PyDIP functions with an array as output

The out keyword argument to PyDIP functions is easier to use with a dip.Image object than with a np.array object. When passing in an image object, the image can be reforged (meaning its data segment can be reallocated, changing the size, number of tensor elements, and/or data type). The same is not true for an input of a different type, which will be converted to a protected dip.Image object (see The “protect” flag). This means that it must have the right sizes to receive the output of the function.

arr = np.zeros(10)
dip.Gauss(img, out=arr)  # error! the output has the wrong sizes, and cannot be reforged

This will raise a dip.ParameterError: “Image is protected”. We need to make the array have the right sizes for this to work:

arr = np.zeros((img.Size(1), img.Size(0), img.TensorElements()))
dip.Gauss(img, out=arr)

Note that the filter is computed in the output type, 64-bit float in this case.

This is most useful to work in-place, where the feature is easy to use:

dip.Gauss(arr, out=arr)