dip::Option namespace

Enumerated options are defined in the namespace dip::Option, unless they are specific to some other sub-namespace.



namespace CmpProp
Namespace to emulate an enumerator, contains values


using CmpPropFlags = dip::detail::Options
Determines which properties to compare. Combines multiple dip::Option::CmpPropEnumerator values, predefined values are in dip::Option::CmpProp. more...
using ExtendImageFlags = dip::detail::Options
Combines any number of dip::Option::ExtendImage constants together. more...
using DFTOptions = dip::detail::Options
Determines working mode for dip::DFT and dip::RDFT. Combines multiple dip::Option::DFTOption values,. more...


enum class Periodicity: uint8{ NOT_PERIODIC, PERIODIC }
Select if the operation is periodic or not. Used in dip::GaussianMixtureModel. more...
enum class ThrowException: uint8{ DONT_THROW, DO_THROW }
Some functions that check for a condition optionally throw an exception if that condition is not met. more...
enum class AllowSingletonExpansion: uint8{ DONT_ALLOW, DO_ALLOW }
The function dip::Image::CheckIsMask takes this option to control how sizes are compared. more...
enum class AcceptDataTypeChange: uint8{ DONT_ALLOW, DO_ALLOW }
The function dip::Image::ReForge takes this option to control how to handle protected images. more...
enum class CropLocation: uint8{ CENTER, MIRROR_CENTER, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT }
The function dip::Image::Crop takes this option to control which pixels are taken. more...
enum class CmpPropEnumerator: uint8{ DataType, Dimensionality, Sizes, Strides, TensorShape, TensorElements, TensorStride, ColorSpace, PixelSize }
Determines which properties to compare. more...
enum class ExtendImage: uint8{ Masked, ExpandTensor }
Defines options to the dip::ExtendImage function. more...
enum class DFTOption: uint8{ InPlace, TrashInput, Aligned }
Determines working mode for dip::DFT and dip::RDFT. more...
enum class CompareImagesMode: uint8{ EXACT, APPROX, APPROX_REL, FULL }
How to compare images in dip::testing::CompareImages. more...