dml namespace

The dml namespace contains the interface between MATLAB and DIPlib.


The functions and classes defined in this namespace are meant to be used in MATLAB MEX-files.


class MatlabInterface
This class is the dip::ExternalInterface for the MATLAB interface.
class streambuf
An output stream buffer for MEX-files.


enum class GetImageMode: dip::uint8{ REFERENCE, SHARED_COPY }
dml::GetImage can optionally create a shared copy of the input mxArray, which extends its lifetime. This is useful if the MEX-file needs to keep a reference to the object.
enum class ArrayConversionMode: dip::uint8{ STANDARD, TENSOR_OPERATOR }
dml::GetImage can optionally turn an input numeric array to a tensor image. If the numeric array is a short vector (up to 5 elements) or a small matrix (up to 5x5 elements) it will be seen as a 0D tensor image.


auto IsScalar(mxArray const* mx) -> bool
True if array is scalar (has single value)
auto IsVector(mxArray const* mx) -> bool
True if empty or a one-dimensional array
auto IsString(mxArray const* mx) -> bool
True if mx is a string (char vector or string class)
auto GetUnsigned(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::uint
Convert an unsigned integer from mxArray to dip::uint by copy.
auto GetInteger(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::sint
Convert a signed integer from mxArray to dip::sint by copy.
auto GetFloat(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::dfloat
Convert a floating-point number from mxArray to dip::dfloat by copy.
auto GetComplex(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::dcomplex
Convert a complex floating-point number from mxArray to dip::dcomplex by copy.
auto GetBooleanArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::BooleanArray
Convert a boolean (logical) array from mxArray to dip::BooleanArray by copy.
auto GetUnsignedArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::UnsignedArray
Convert an unsigned integer array from mxArray to dip::UnsignedArray by copy.
auto GetIntegerArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::IntegerArray
Convert a signed integer array from mxArray to dip::IntegerArray by copy.
auto GetFloatArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::FloatArray
Convert a floating-point array from mxArray to dip::FloatArray by copy.
template<typename T>
auto GetStdVector(mxArray const* mx) -> std::vector<T>
Convert a 1D real-valued numeric array from mxArray to std::vector< T > by copy. Data is cast as usual from doubles to the target type (see dip::clamp_cast).
auto GetStdVectorOfFloats(mxArray const* mx) -> std::vector<dip::dfloat> deprecated
Convert a floating-point array from mxArray to std::vector<dip::dfloat> by copy.
auto GetProcessArray(mxArray const* mx, dip::uint nDims) -> dip::BooleanArray
Convert an unsigned integer mxArray to a dip::BooleanArray, where elements of the input are indices where the output array is set. The output array has nDims elements. In MATLAB, dimensions start with 1. If mx is empty, all dimensions are to be processed.
auto GetCoordinateArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::CoordinateArray
Convert a coordinates array from mxArray to dip::CoordinateArray by copy.
auto GetFloatCoordinateArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::FloatCoordinateArray
Convert a coordinates array from mxArray to dip::FloatCoordinateArray by copy.
auto HandleNewStyleString(mxArray const* mx) -> mxArray const*
If mx is a “string” class object, return a char vector or a cell array of char vectors.
auto GetString(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::String
Convert a string from mxArray to dip::String by copy.
auto GetStringUnicode(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::String
Convert a string from mxArray to a UTF-8 encoded dip::String by copy.
auto GetStringArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::StringArray
Convert a cell array of strings from mxArray to dip::StringArray by copy.
auto GetStringSet(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::StringSet
Convert a cell array of string from mxArray to dip::StringSet by copy.
auto GetBoolean(mxArray const* mx) -> bool
Convert a boolean (logical) from mxArray to bool by copy. Accepts "yes" and "no" as well.
auto GetRange(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::Range
Convert an integer array from mxArray to dip::Range by copy.
auto GetRangeArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::RangeArray
Convert a cell array of integer array from mxArray to dip::RangeArray by copy.
auto GetPixel(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::Image::Pixel
Convert a numeric array from mxArray to dip::Image::Pixel by copy.
auto GetHistogramConfiguration(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::Histogram::Configuration
Reads a histogram Configuration struct from a cell mxArray with key-value pairs.
auto CreateDouble2Vector(dip::dfloat v0, dip::dfloat v1) -> mxArray*
Create a two-element mxArray and write the two values in it.
auto GetArray(bool in) -> mxArray*
Convert an boolean from bool to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::uint in) -> mxArray*
Convert an unsigned integer from dip::uint to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::sint in) -> mxArray*
Convert a signed integer from dip::sint to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::dfloat in) -> mxArray*
Convert a floating-point number from dip::dfloat to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::dcomplex in) -> mxArray*
Convert a complex floating-point number from dip::dcomplex to mxArray by copy.
template<typename T, typename <SFINAE>>
auto GetArray(dip::DimensionArray const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a numeric array from dip::DimensionArray to mxArray by copy. Works for dip::UnsignedArray, dip::IntegerArray and dip::FloatArray.
auto GetArray(dip::CoordinateArray const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a coordinates array from mxArray to dip::CoordinateArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::String const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a string from dip::String to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::StringArray const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a string array from dip::StringArray to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArrayUnicode(dip::String const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a UTF-8 encoded string from dip::String to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::Image::Sample const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a sample from dip::Image::Sample to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::Image::Pixel const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a set of samples from dip::Image::Pixel to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::PixelSize const& pixelSize) -> mxArray*
Convert a pixel size object dip::PixelSize to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::FileInformation const& fileInformation) -> mxArray*
Convert a dip::FileInformation structure to mxArray by copy.
auto GetArray(dip::Distribution const& in) -> mxArray*
Convert a dip::Distribution object to mxArray by copy.
auto GetImage(mxArray const* mx, dml::GetImageMode mode = GetImageMode::REFERENCE, dml::ArrayConversionMode conversion = ArrayConversionMode::STANDARD) -> dip::Image
Passing an mxArray to DIPlib, keeping ownership of the data.
auto GetImageArray(mxArray const* mx) -> dip::ImageArray
Convert a cell array of images from mxArray to dip::ImageArray, using dml::GetImage for each element of the cell array.
auto GetArrayAsArray(dip::Image const& img, bool doNotSetToTrue = false) -> mxArray*
Find the mxArray that holds the data for the dip::Image img.
auto GetArray(dip::Image const& img, bool doNotSetToTrue = false) -> mxArray*
Find the mxArray that holds the data for the dip::Image img, and create a MATLAB dip_image object around it.
template<typename K>
auto GetKernel(int nrhs, mxArray const*[] prhs, int& index, dip::uint nDims) -> K
Gets a structuring element or kernel from the input argument(s) at index, and index+1. index is updated to point to the next unused input argument.
template<typename T>
auto GetPreference(dip::String const& preference) -> T
Get the value of a property, equivalent to calling dipgetpref in MATLAB.