diplib/measurement.h file

Functionality for quantification of objects. See Measurement.


namespace dip::Feature
Contains classes that implement the measurement features.


struct dip::Feature::Information
Information about a measurement feature
struct dip::Feature::ValueInformation
Information about a measurement value, one of the components of a feature
class dip::Feature::Base abstract
The abstract base class for all measurement features.
class dip::Feature::LineBased abstract
The abstract base class for all line-based measurement features.
class dip::Feature::ImageBased abstract
The abstract base class for all image-based measurement features.
class dip::Feature::ChainCodeBased abstract
The abstract base class for all chain-code–based measurement features.
class dip::Feature::PolygonBased abstract
The abstract base class for all polygon-based measurement features.
class dip::Feature::ConvexHullBased abstract
The abstract base class for all convex-hull–based measurement features.
class dip::Feature::Composite abstract
The abstract base class for all composite measurement features.
class dip::Measurement
Contains measurement results, as obtained through dip::MeasurementTool::Measure.
class dip::MeasurementTool
Performs measurements on images.


using dip::Feature::InformationArray = std::vector<Information>
Information about the known measurement features
using dip::Feature::ValueInformationArray = std::vector<ValueInformation>
Information about the values of a measurement feature, or all values of all measurement features in a dip::Measurement object.
using dip::ObjectIdToIndexMap = tsl::robin_map<dip::uint, dip::uint>
Maps object IDs to object indices


The types of measurement features


void dip::ObjectToMeasurement(dip::Image const& label, dip::Image& out, dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues)
Paints each object with the selected measurement feature values.
void dip::MeasurementWriteCSV(dip::Measurement const& measurement, dip::String const& filename, dip::StringSet const& options = {})
Writes a dip::Measurement structure to a CSV file.
auto dip::Minimum(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::Measurement::ValueType
Returns the smallest feature value in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::Maximum(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::Measurement::ValueType
Returns the largest feature value in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::Percentile(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::dfloat percentile) -> dip::Measurement::ValueType
Returns the percentile feature value in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::Median(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::dfloat
Returns the median feature value in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::Mean(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::dfloat
Returns the mean feature value in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::MaximumAndMinimum(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::MinMaxAccumulator
Returns the maximum and minimum feature values in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::Quartiles(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featu) -> dip::QuartilesResult
Computes the minimum, lower quartile (25th percentile), median (50th percentile), upper quartile (75th percentile), and maximum.
auto dip::SampleStatistics(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::StatisticsAccumulator
Returns the first four central moments of the feature values in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::ObjectMinimum(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::uint
Returns the object ID with the smallest feature value in the first column of featureValues.
auto dip::ObjectMaximum(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues) -> dip::uint
Returns the object ID with the largest feature value in the first column of featureValues.


auto dip::operator+(dip::Measurement const& lhs, dip::Measurement const& rhs) -> dip::Measurement
The + operator merges two dip::Measurement objects.
auto dip::operator<<(std::ostream& os, dip::Measurement const& measurement) -> std::ostream&
You can output a dip::Measurement to std::cout or any other stream to produce a human-readable representation of the tabular data in it.
auto dip::operator==(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::Measurement::ValueType value) -> dip::LabelMap
Selects objects where the first element of featureValues is equal to value.
auto dip::operator!=(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::Measurement::ValueType value) -> dip::LabelMap
Selects objects where the first element of featureValues is unequal to value.
auto dip::operator>(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::Measurement::ValueType value) -> dip::LabelMap
Selects objects where the first element of featureValues is greater than value.
auto dip::operator>=(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::Measurement::ValueType value) -> dip::LabelMap
Selects objects where the first element of featureValues is not smaller than value.
auto dip::operator<(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::Measurement::ValueType value) -> dip::LabelMap
Selects objects where the first element of featureValues is smaller than value.
auto dip::operator<=(dip::Measurement::IteratorFeature const& featureValues, dip::Measurement::ValueType value) -> dip::LabelMap
Selects objects where the first element of featureValues is not greater than value.