dip::Feature::Composite class

The pure virtual base class for all composite measurement features.


Base classes

class dip::Feature::Base abstract
The pure virtual base class for all measurement features.


auto Dependencies() -> dip::StringArray pure virtual
Lists the features that the measurement depends on. These features will be computed and made available to the Measure method. This function is always called after dip::Feature::Base::Initialize.
void Compose(dip::Measurement::IteratorObject& dependencies, dip::Measurement::ValueIterator output) pure virtual
Called once for each object, the input dependencies object contains the measurements for the object from all the features in the dip::Feature::Composite::Dependencies list.

Function documentation

dip::StringArray Dependencies() pure virtual

Lists the features that the measurement depends on. These features will be computed and made available to the Measure method. This function is always called after dip::Feature::Base::Initialize.