diplib/viewer/viewer.h file

Declares the core infrastructure for DIPviewer.



struct dip::viewer::ViewingOptions
Model that determines the dip::viewer::SliceViewer’s behavior
class dip::viewer::View
Displays a view of the dip::viewer::ViewingOptions model
class dip::viewer::ViewPort
Handles interaction in a certain display area to control the dip::viewer::ViewingOptions model
class dip::viewer::Viewer abstract
A Window for viewing a dip::Image


using dip::viewer::FloatRange = std::pair<dip::dfloat, dip::dfloat>
Specifies a range of values between a lower and upper limit
using dip::viewer::FloatRangeArray = std::vector<FloatRange>
Specifies an array of ranges (typically one per tensor element)


template<typename T>
auto dip::viewer::rangeMap(T val, double offset, double scale, dip::viewer::ViewingOptions::Mapping mapping) -> dip::dfloat
Maps an image grey-value onto [0,255]
template<typename T>
auto dip::viewer::rangeMap(T val, dip::viewer::ViewingOptions const& options) -> dip::dfloat
Maps an image grey-value onto [0,255]
template<typename T>
auto dip::viewer::to_string(dip::DimensionArray array) -> std::string
String conversion for dip::DimensionArray
void dip::viewer::ApplyViewerColorMap(dip::Image& in, dip::Image& out, dip::viewer::ViewingOptions& options)
Applies the colormap defined by the dip::viewer::ViewingOptions