PyDIP User Manual » Differences from DIPlib

This section has two functions: First, it helps understand how to translate the information in the function documentation to use those functions in Python. Second, it brings people up to speed that are familiar with DIPlib the C++ library.

To find a function in the documentation, type T here (or click the search icon at the top of the page) to bring up a search dialog box. There you can search for functions, modules and pages by name. For example, typing “watershed” in the search box will point you to a series of functions related to the watershed.

A few classes and functions work differently than in C++, and are not explicitly named here. For these cases, the Python help() function should give you sufficient information to understand the differences. For all other cases, the help() function only gives an automatically-generated function signature and the brief documentation (the first paragraph of documentation for the function). Use the on-line documentation to learn more about the function. From within Python, type dip.Doc('Gabor') or dip.Doc(dip.Gabor) to open the relevant on-line documentation in your default web browser.

Type correspondences

Most classes defined in DIPlib and used as input arguments to functions have a Python binding, with the following exceptions:

  • dip::DataType: translated to/from a string, such as 'UINT8' or 'SFLOAT'.

  • dip::Sample: a scalar (a regular Python number).

  • dip::Pixel: a list of scalars.

  • dip::Range: a slice (slice(0, 3, 1)). Note that the second argument, the end value, is interpreted differently by DIPlib: it is included in the range. A scalar can also be translated to a range.

  • dip::UnsignedArray, dip::FloatArray, or similar: a Python list: [5, 5]. A scalar is accepted as a one-element list.

  • dip::StringArray: a list of strings (['foo', 'bar']).

  • dip::StringSet: a set of strings ({'foo', 'bar'}).

By using named arguments, it is quite simple to set only needed arguments, and leave all others with their default values. All arguments that have a default value in C++ have the same default value in Python.

Indexing into images

Indexing into a dip.Image object uses the same syntax as other array types in Python:

img[0, 10]
img[0:-1:2, 0:-1:2]

But the indexing follows DIPlib’s rules: First, dimensions are ordered in reverse from how NumPy stores them (the first dimension is horizontal, or x). Second, the end index is included in the range. Third, all dimensions must be specified.

In C++ DIPlib, square brackets index into the tensor dimensions, not the spatial dimensions. Use round brackets (parentheses) for this indexing in Python:

img(0, 2)
img(slice(0, 3))

Indexing operations do not return a special view object, they directly return a dip.Image object. With regular indexing, this new object shares data with the original one. Irregular indexing using a mask image is also supported. This indexing returns a copy of the data, but an assignment form is also available:

img2 = img[mask]  # this copy does not share data with img
img2.Fill(0)      # does not affect img
img[mask] = 0     # sets all pixels in mask to 0

See Indexing for more details.

Testing image validity

You can use either IsForged() or IsEmpty() to test if an image is forged. IsEmpty() is the opposite of IsForged(), and returns True if this image is not forged.

An image in a Boolean context, such as if image, has the value of IsForged(). This means that the following two pieces of code are identical:

if image.IsForged():
    print("The image has data")

if image:
    print("The image has data")

Functions that expect an image interpret None as an empty (non-forged) image.

Operators applied to images

Most operators have been overloaded to do what they do in C++:

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, /, %, and the unary + and -.
  • Bit-wise logical operators: &, |, ^, ~.
  • Comparison operators: <, <=, ==, >=, > and !=.

Operators that work differently in Python and C++:

  • Indexing operators: see Indexing.
  • Multiplication operators: Python has both * and @. @ behaves like * in C++. * is always the element-wise multiplication.
  • Exponentiation operator: Python has **, this doesn’t exist in C++.

For operators that have an in-place version (e.g. + has a +=), we have always overloaded the in-place version as well.

Not overloaded are the integer division //, del, and the shift operators << and >>. Logical operators and, or and not cannot be overloaded.

len() and str() have also been overloaded. len(image) returns the number of pixels (i.e. it is the same as image.NumberOfPixels() if the image is forged, or 0 otherwise). str(image) returns a string containing what you’d see if you do print(image).

Note that operator chaining, where x < y < z is interpreted as x < y and y < z, does not work as expected with DIPlib images (in the same way it doesn’t work with NumPy arrays). This expression, where x or y is an image, will evaluate to y < z. This is because and here first evaluates its left-hand-side argument as a boolean expression. If x or y is an image, this will always evaluate as true, as described in Testing image validity. and will then evaluate to its right-hand-side argument, y < z.

Displaying images

The class dip.Image has a method Show(). There is an identical function dip.Show(). They display an image to the current matplotlib window, if matplotlib is installed:

import diplib as dip
img = dip.ImageRead('examples/trui.ics')

If DIPviewer is installed, its functionality will be in the dip.viewer namespace. Use img.ShowSlice() for convenience, it calls dip.viewer.Show(), meaning that dip.viewer.Spin() might be needed to interact with the created window.

dip.Image.ShowSlice() and dip.viewer.Show() have additional parameters that can be used to set viewing options. They also return an object that can be used for further interaction:

wdw = img.ShowSlice('Window title', mapping='unit', lut='sequential')

See Displaying Images to learn more.