AlignedAllocInterface class
that allocates aligned data.
- Reference
The class is designed as a singleton: dip::AlignedAllocInterface::GetInstance
returns a pointer to a unique instance.
The alignment, in bytes, is passed to GetInstance
as a template parameter.
For example, here we create an allocator that guarantees 64-byte alignment:
ExternalInterface* ei = dip::AlignedAllocInterface::GetInstance<64>();
Note: This interface is only suitable for allocating blocks of memory that are
larger than the alignment size. Internally, the class allocates an oversized memory block
padded with alignment
, and returns an aligned pointer within that oversized block.
Base classes
class dip::
ExternalInterface abstract - Support for external interfaces.
- auto AllocateData(void*& origin, dip::DataType dataType, dip::UnsignedArray const& sizes, dip::IntegerArray& strides, dip::Tensor const& tensor, dip::sint& tensorStride) -> dip::DataSegment override
- Called by
. -
template<dip::uint alignment>static auto GetInstance() -> dip::AlignedAllocInterface*
- Singleton interface, templated in the alignment parameter.
Only one instance is needed for each distinct alignment.
is in bytes.