Segmentation module
Segmentation and binarization algorithms.
- module Graphs
- Representing graphs and working with an image as a graph.
struct dip::
PerObjectEllipsoidFitParameters - Defines the parameters for the
function. more...
void dip::
Watershed(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 1, dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1, dip::uint maxSize = 0, dip::StringSet flags = {}) - Computes the watershed of
, with on-line merging of regions. more... -
void dip::
SeededWatershed(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& seeds, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 1, dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1, dip::uint maxSize = 0, dip::StringSet const& flags = {}) - Computes the watershed of
, starting atseeds
, with on-line merging of regions. more... -
void dip::
CompactWatershed(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& seeds, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 1, dip::dfloat compactness = 1.0, dip::StringSet const& flags = {}) - Computes the compact watershed of
, starting atseeds
. more... -
void dip::
StochasticWatershed(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::Random& random, dip::uint nSeeds = 100, dip::uint nIterations = 50, dip::dfloat noise = 0, dip::String const& seeds = S::HEXAGONAL) - Computes the stochastic watershed of
. more... -
void dip::
StochasticWatershed(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::uint nSeeds = 100, dip::uint nIterations = 50, dip::dfloat noise = 0, dip::String const& seeds = S::HEXAGONAL) - Like above, using a default-initialized
object. more... -
void dip::
WatershedMinima(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 1, dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1, dip::uint maxSize = 0, dip::String const& output = S::BINARY) - Marks significant local minima. more...
void dip::
WatershedMaxima(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 1, dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1, dip::uint maxSize = 0, dip::String const& output = S::BINARY) - Marks significant local maxima. more...
void dip::
Minima(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 0, dip::String const& output = S::BINARY) - Marks local minima. more...
void dip::
Maxima(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::uint connectivity = 0, dip::String const& output = S::BINARY) - Marks local maxima. more...
auto dip::
KMeansClustering(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::Random& random, dip::uint nClusters = 2) -> dip::CoordinateArray - Applies k-means clustering to an image, yielding
labeled regions. more... -
auto dip::
KMeansClustering(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::uint nClusters = 2) -> dip::CoordinateArray - Like above, using a default-initialized
object. more... -
auto dip::
MinimumVariancePartitioning(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::uint nClusters = 2) -> dip::CoordinateArray - Spatially partitions an image into
partitions iteratively, minimizing the variance of the partitions. more... -
auto dip::
IsodataThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::uint nThresholds = 1) -> dip::FloatArray - Thresholds the image
thresholds, determined using the Isodata algorithm (k-means clustering), and the histogram ofin
. more... -
auto dip::
OtsuThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out) -> dip::dfloat - Thresholds the image
using the maximal inter-class variance method by Otsu, and the histogram ofin
. more... -
auto dip::
MinimumErrorThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out) -> dip::dfloat - Thresholds the image
using the minimal error method by Kittler and Illingworth, and the histogram ofin
. more... -
auto dip::
GaussianMixtureModelThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::uint nThresholds = 1) -> dip::FloatArray - Thresholds the image
thresholds, determined by fitting a Gaussian Mixture Model to the histogram ofin
. more... -
auto dip::
TriangleThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat sigma = 4.0) -> dip::dfloat - Thresholds the image
using the chord method (a.k.a. skewed bi-modality, maximum distance to triangle), and the histogram ofin
. more... -
auto dip::
BackgroundThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat distance = 2.0, dip::dfloat sigma = 4.0) -> dip::dfloat - Thresholds the image
using the unimodal background-symmetry method, and the histogram ofin
. more... -
auto dip::
VolumeThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat volumeFraction = 0.5) -> dip::dfloat - Thresholds an image such that a fraction
of pixels is foreground. more... -
void dip::
FixedThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat threshold, dip::dfloat foreground = 1.0, dip::dfloat background = 0.0, dip::String const& output = S::BINARY) - Thresholds an image at the
value. more... -
void dip::
RangeThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat lowerBound, dip::dfloat upperBound, dip::String const& output = S::BINARY, dip::dfloat foreground = 1.0, dip::dfloat background = 0.0) - Thresholds an image at two values, equivalent to
lowerBound <= in && in <= upperBound
. more... -
void dip::
HysteresisThreshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat lowThreshold, dip::dfloat highThreshold) - Hysteresis threshold. more...
void dip::
MultipleThresholds(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::FloatArray const& thresholds) - Thresholds an image at multiple values, yielding a labeled image. more...
auto dip::
Threshold(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& mask, dip::Image& out, dip::String const& method = S::OTSU, dip::dfloat parameter = infinity) -> dip::dfloat - Automated threshold using
. more... -
void dip::
PerObjectEllipsoidFit(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::PerObjectEllipsoidFitParameters const& parameters) - Finds a per-object threshold such that found objects are maximally ellipsoidal. more...
void dip::
Canny(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::FloatArray const& sigmas = {1}, dip::dfloat lower = 0.5, dip::dfloat upper = 0.9, dip::String const& selection = S::ALL) - Detect edges in the grey-value image by finding salient ridges in the gradient magnitude more...
void dip::
Superpixels(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::Random& random, dip::dfloat density = 0.005, dip::dfloat compactness = 1.0, dip::String const& method = S::CW, dip::StringSet const& flags = {}) - Generates superpixels (oversegmentation) more...
void dip::
Superpixels(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat density = 0.005, dip::dfloat compactness = 1.0, dip::String const& method = S::CW, dip::StringSet const& flags = {}) - Like above, using a default-initialized
object. more... -
void dip::
GraphCut(dip::Image const& in, dip::Image const& markers, dip::Image& out, dip::dfloat sigma = 30.0, dip::dfloat lambda = 1.0, dip::dfloat gamma = 0.0) - Graph-cut segmentation more...
Class documentation
struct dip:: PerObjectEllipsoidFitParameters
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Defines the parameters for the PerObjectEllipsoidFit
Variables | |
dip::uint minSize | Area in pixels of the smallest object detected |
dip::uint maxArea | Area in pixels of the largest object detected |
dip::dfloat minEllipsoidFit | Smallest allowed ratio of object size vs fitted ellipse size |
dip::dfloat minAspectRatio | Smallest allowed aspect ratio of ellipse (largest radius divided by smallest radius); 1.0 is a circle/sphere |
dip::dfloat maxAspectRatio | Largest allowed aspect ratio |
dip::dfloat minThreshold | Smallest allowed threshold |
dip::dfloat maxThreshold | Largest allowed threshold |
Function documentation
dip:: Watershed(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint connectivity = 1,
dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1,
dip::uint maxSize = 0,
dip::StringSet flags = {})
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Computes the watershed of in
within mask
, with on-line merging of regions.
The watershed is a segmentation algorithm that divides the image according to its grey-value ridges.
determines which pixels are considered neighbors; the default value of 1 leads
to vertex-connected watershed lines (i.e. thinnest possible result). See Connectivity for
information on the connectivity parameter.
determines how the output is computed. There are three options:
: returns either the labels used during processing, with the watershed lines as background (value 0), or a binary image where the watershed lines are set and the regions are not set."binary"
is the default. -
"low first"
or"high first"
: determines the sort order of pixels. The default of"low first"
yields the normal watershed, where local minima are origin of the basins, and the watershed lines run along the high ridges in the image."high first"
simply inverts the definition, such that local maxima are at the centers of the basins, and the watershed lines run along the low valleys. -
: determines which algorithm is used:-
(the default) is an algorithm that takes a few shortcuts, but usually manages to produce good results any way. One shortcut leads to all border pixels being marked as watershed lines. It is possible to extend the image by one pixel before processing to circumvent this. The other shortcut means that plateaus are not handled correctly. A plateau is a region in the image where pixels have exactly the same value. This is usually seen as watershed lines not running through the middle of the plateaus, instead being shifted to one side. Adding a little bit of noise to the image, and settingmaxDepth
to the range of the noise, usually improves the results in these cases a little bit. -
is an algorithm that first finds the local minima throughdip::Minima
(or maxima if"high first"
is set), and then appliesdip::SeededWatershed
. This always produces correct results, but is significantly slower.
The on-line region merging works as follows: When two regions first meet, a decision is
made on whether to keep the regions separate (and thus put a watershed pixel at that point),
or to merge the regions. If one of the regions is no deeper than maxDepth
(i.e. the intensity
difference between the region’s minimum and the pixel where the region meets another), and is
no larger than maxSize
(i.e. the number of pixels belonging to the region and that have been
seen so far), then it can be merged. The merged region is subsequently treated as a single
region, and their labels are considered equal. If maxSize
is zero, no test for size is done.
In this case, the merging is exactly equivalent to applying an H-minima transform to the image
before computing the watershed.
Note that for the "fast"
algorithm, maxDepth
is always at least 0 (negative values will be ignored).
That is, two regions without a grey-value difference between them (they are on the same plateau) will
always be merged. This is necessary to prevent unexpected results (i.e. a plateau being split into
multiple regions). For the "correct"
algorithm, any negative value of maxDepth
will disable the
merging. But note that, due to the way that the region seeds are computed (dip::Minima
), setting
to 0 would lead to the exact same result.
Any pixel that is infinity will be part of the watershed lines, as is any pixel not within
dip:: SeededWatershed(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& seeds,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint connectivity = 1,
dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1,
dip::uint maxSize = 0,
dip::StringSet const& flags = {})
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Computes the watershed of in
within mask
, starting at seeds
, with on-line merging of regions.
is a binary or labeled image (if binary, it is labeled using connectivity
). These labels are
iteratively expanded in the watershed order (i.e. pixels that have a low value in in
go first) until
they meet. Pixels where two regions meet are marked as the watershed lines. seeds
is commonly used
to direct the segmentation, and merging is consequently not necessary. However, this algorithm does
include on-line merging. Note that two labeled regions in seeds
that do not have a grey-value ridge
between them (i.e. they are on the same plateau) will be merged unless merging is disabled (see below).
Merged labels will be painted with the label of one of the originating seeds, and the other labels will
not be present in the output (only if flags
contains "labels"
determines which pixels are considered neighbors; the default value of 1 leads to
vertex-connected watershed lines (i.e. thinnest possible result). See Connectivity for information
on the connectivity parameter.
The region merging and the flags
parameter work as described in dip::Watershed
, with the following
- If
is negative, regions will never be merged, even if they have no grey-value difference between them. - The
are not allowed. flags
can contain the string"no gaps"
, which prevents the formation of watershed lines in between the regions. That is, seeds are grown until they touch. This flag implies the flag"labels"
, since in a binary image there would be no distinction between initially separate regions. Pixels that have an infinite value inin
, or a zero value inmask
, will still be excluded from the region growing process.flags
can contain the string"uphill only"
, which will limit the region growing to be exclusively uphill (or downhill if"high first"
is also given). This means that regions will grow to fill the local catchment basin, but will not grow into neighboring catchment basins that have no seeds. This flag will also disable any merging.
dip:: CompactWatershed(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& seeds,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint connectivity = 1,
dip::dfloat compactness = 1.0,
dip::StringSet const& flags = {})
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Computes the compact watershed of in
within mask
, starting at seeds
is a binary or labeled image (if binary, it is labeled using connectivity
). These labels are
iteratively expanded in the watershed order (i.e. pixels that have a low value in in
go first), modified
with a compactness term, until they meet. Pixels where two regions meet are marked as the watershed lines.
The compactness term modifies the normal watershed order by taking into account the distance to the originating
seed. This distance, multiplied by compactness
, is added to the grey value when determining the processing
order. A compactness
of 0 leads to the normal seeded watershed, and a very large value for compactness
leads to disregarding the pixel values in in
, thereby creating a Voronoi diagram.
determines which pixels are considered neighbors; the default value of 1 leads to
vertex-connected watershed lines (i.e. thinnest possible result). See Connectivity for information
on the connectivity parameter.
The flags
parameter work as described in dip::SeededWatershed
, except that "uphill only"
is not supported.
dip:: StochasticWatershed(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::Random& random,
dip::uint nSeeds = 100,
dip::uint nIterations = 50,
dip::dfloat noise = 0,
dip::String const& seeds = S::HEXAGONAL)
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Computes the stochastic watershed of in
The stochastic watershed is computed by applying a watershed with randomly placed seeds nIterations
and adding the results. The output is an image where each pixel’s value is the likelihood that it belongs to
an edge in the image, the values are in the range [0,nIterations
]. The input image in
should contain high
grey values at the edges of the regions to be segmented. Thresholding out
at an appropriate value will yield
the relevant edges in the image. Alternatively, apply dip::Watershed
to the result, with maxDepth
set to
the appropriate threshold value.
The number of seeds used is given by nSeeds
. Actually seeds are chosen with a density of
nSeeds / in.NumberOfPixels()
, the random process causes the actual number of seeds to differ between
runs. Seeds are placed either through a Poisson point process (seeds
is "poisson"
) or a randomly
translated and rotated grid (seeds
is "rectangular"
(any number of dimensions), "hexagonal"
(2D only),
or "bcc"
or "fcc"
(3D only)). The output contains counts, in the range [0,nIterations
If seeds
is "exact"
, or if nIterations
is 0, then the exact probabilities are computed
(Malmberg and Luengo, 2014). The output contains probabilities, in the range [0,1]. Note that this algorithm
requires O(n2) space, and is not suitable for very large images.
The stochastic watershed expects the image to contain roughly equally-sized regions. nSeeds
should be
approximately equal to the number of expected regions. If there is a strong difference in region sizes, larger
regions will be split into smaller ones.
If the image contains regions with different sizes, it is recommended to set noise
to a value that is larger
than the variation within regions, but smaller than the height of the barrier between regions. Uniform noise
will be added to the input image for every iteration of the process, causing non-significant edges to be
strongly suppressed (Bernander et al., 2013). In the case of the exact stochastic watershed, the
operation is applied three times with random noise added to the input, and the geometric mean of the results
is returned (Selig et al., 2015).
must be real-valued and scalar. out
will be of a suitable unsigned integer type (depending on the number
of iterations, but typically dip::DT_UINT8
), or of type dip::DT_SFLOAT
if the exact stochastic watershed
is computed.
dip:: StochasticWatershed(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint nSeeds = 100,
dip::uint nIterations = 50,
dip::dfloat noise = 0,
dip::String const& seeds = S::HEXAGONAL)
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Like above, using a default-initialized dip::Random
dip:: WatershedMinima(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint connectivity = 1,
dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1,
dip::uint maxSize = 0,
dip::String const& output = S::BINARY)
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Marks significant local minima.
This algorithm works exactly like dip::Watershed
with the "fast"
flag set. All pixels with a value
equal to the lowest value within each watershed basin form a local minimum. Note that they can form
disconnected regions, use the "labels"
flag to recognize such disconnected regions as a single local
minimum. See dip::Watershed
for a description of all the parameters.
can be "binary"
or "labels"
, and determines whether the algorithm outputs a binary image or
a labeled image.
See Connectivity for information on the connectivity parameter.
dip:: WatershedMaxima(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint connectivity = 1,
dip::dfloat maxDepth = 1,
dip::uint maxSize = 0,
dip::String const& output = S::BINARY)
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Marks significant local maxima.
This algorithm works exactly like dip::Watershed
with the "fast"
flag set. All pixels with a value
equal to the highest value within each watershed basin form a local maximum. Note that they can form
disconnected regions, use the "labels"
flag to recognize such disconnected regions as a single local
maximum. See dip::Watershed
for a description of all the parameters.
can be "binary"
or "labels"
, and determines whether the algorithm outputs a binary image or
a labeled image.
See Connectivity for information on the connectivity parameter.
dip:: Minima(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint connectivity = 0,
dip::String const& output = S::BINARY)
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Marks local minima.
This algorithm finds single pixels or plateaus (connected groups of pixels with identical value) that are
surrounded by pixels with a higher value. If output
is "binary"
, the result is a binary image where these
pixels and plateaus are set. If output
is "labels"
, the result is a labeled image.
See Connectivity for information on the connectivity parameter.
dip:: Maxima(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint connectivity = 0,
dip::String const& output = S::BINARY)
#include "diplib/morphology.h"
Marks local maxima.
This algorithm finds single pixels or plateaus (connected groups of pixels with identical value) that are
surrounded by pixels with a lower value. If output
is "binary"
, the result is a binary image where these
pixels and plateaus are set. If output
is "labels"
, the result is a labeled image.
See Connectivity for information on the connectivity parameter.
dip:: KMeansClustering(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::Random& random,
dip::uint nClusters = 2)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Applies k-means clustering to an image, yielding nClusters
labeled regions.
is a scalar, real-valued image. nClusters
cluster centers are found, centered on regions
of high intensity. out
is a labeled image with nClusters
regions tiling the image. Each
region is identified by a different label. Boundaries between regions are the Voronoi tessellation
given the identified cluster centers.
Note that this creates a spatial partitioning, not a partitioning of image intensities.
K-means clustering is an iterative process with a random initialization. It is likely to get stuck in local minima. Repeating the clustering several times and picking the best result (e.g. determined by times each cluster center is found) can be necessary.
The returned dip::CoordinateArray
contains the cluster centers.
Element i
in this array corresponds to label i+1
dip:: KMeansClustering(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint nClusters = 2)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Like above, using a default-initialized dip::Random
dip:: MinimumVariancePartitioning(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint nClusters = 2)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Spatially partitions an image into nClusters
partitions iteratively, minimizing the variance
of the partitions.
Minimum variance partitioning builds a k-d tree, where, for each node, the orthogonal projection
with the largest variance is split using the same logic as Otsu thresholding applies to a histogram.
Note that this creates a spatial partitioning, not a partitioning of image intensities. out
a labeled image with nClusters
regions tiling the image. Each region is identified by a different
Minimum variance partitioning is much faster than k-means clustering, though its result might not be as good. It is also deterministic.
must be scalar and real-valued.
The returned dip::CoordinateArray
contains the centers of gravity for each cluster.
Element i
in this array corresponds to label i+1
dip:: IsodataThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint nThresholds = 1)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds the image in
using nThresholds
thresholds, determined using the Isodata algorithm
(k-means clustering), and the histogram of in
Only those pixels in mask
are used to determine the histogram on which the Isodata algorithm is applied,
but the threshold is applied to the whole image. in
must be scalar and real-valued.
If nThresholds
is 1, then out
is a binary image. With more thresholds, the output image is labeled.
The output array contains the thresholds used.
See dip::IsodataThreshold
for more information on the algorithm used.
dip:: OtsuThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds the image in
using the maximal inter-class variance method by Otsu, and the histogram of in
Only those pixels in mask
are used to determine the histogram on which the threshold estimation algorithm
is applied, but the threshold is applied to the whole image. in
must be scalar and real-valued.
Returns the threshold value used.
See dip::OtsuThreshold
for more information on the algorithm used.
dip:: MinimumErrorThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds the image in
using the minimal error method by Kittler and Illingworth, and the histogram of in
Only those pixels in mask
are used to determine the histogram on which the threshold estimation algorithm
is applied, but the threshold is applied to the whole image. in
must be scalar and real-valued.
Returns the threshold value used.
See dip::MinimumErrorThreshold
for more information on the algorithm used.
dip:: GaussianMixtureModelThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::uint nThresholds = 1)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds the image in
using nThresholds
thresholds, determined by fitting a Gaussian Mixture
Model to the histogram of in
Only those pixels in mask
are used to determine the histogram on which the Gaussian Mixture Model
algorithm is applied, but the threshold is applied to the whole image. in
must be scalar and real-valued.
If nThresholds
is 1, then out
is a binary image. With more thresholds, the output image is labeled.
The output array contains the thresholds used.
See dip::GaussianMixtureModelThreshold
for more information on the algorithm used.
dip:: TriangleThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat sigma = 4.0)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds the image in
using the chord method (a.k.a. skewed bi-modality, maximum distance to triangle),
and the histogram of in
Only those pixels in mask
are used to determine the histogram on which the threshold estimation algorithm
is applied, but the threshold is applied to the whole image. in
must be scalar and real-valued.
Returns the threshold value used.
See dip::TriangleThreshold
for more information on the algorithm used and the sigma
dip:: BackgroundThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat distance = 2.0,
dip::dfloat sigma = 4.0)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds the image in
using the unimodal background-symmetry method, and the histogram of in
Only those pixels in mask
are used to determine the histogram on which the threshold estimation algorithm
is applied, but the threshold is applied to the whole image. in
must be scalar and real-valued.
Returns the threshold value used.
See dip::BackgroundThreshold
for more information on the algorithm used
and the sigma
dip:: VolumeThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat volumeFraction = 0.5)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds an image such that a fraction volumeFraction
of pixels is foreground.
Only pixels within mask
are used to determine the threshold value, but the threshold is applied to the
whole image. in
must be scalar and real-valued.
The return value is the threshold applied.
dip:: FixedThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat threshold,
dip::dfloat foreground = 1.0,
dip::dfloat background = 0.0,
dip::String const& output = S::BINARY)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds an image at the threshold
If output
is "binary"
(the default), FixedThreshold
will produce a binary image. Otherwise an
image of the same type as the input image is produced, with the pixels set to either
or background
. In other words, on a pixel-per-pixel basis the following is applied:
out = ( in >= threshold ) ? foreground : background
must be real-valued, each tensor element is thresholded independently.
Note that, for the “binary” output case, it might be easier to write:
out = in >= threshold;
dip:: RangeThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat lowerBound,
dip::dfloat upperBound,
dip::String const& output = S::BINARY,
dip::dfloat foreground = 1.0,
dip::dfloat background = 0.0)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds an image at two values, equivalent to lowerBound <= in && in <= upperBound
If output
is "binary"
(the default), RangeThreshold
will produce a binary image. If foreground == 0.0
foreground will be set to false
and background to true
, otherwise the foreground will be true
(this is the
If output
is not "binary"
, an image of the same type as the input image is produced, with the pixels
set to either foreground
or background
. In other words, on a pixel-per-pixel basis the following is
out = ( lowerBound <= in && in <= upperBound ) ? foreground : background
must be real-valued, each tensor element is thresholded independently.
dip:: HysteresisThreshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat lowThreshold,
dip::dfloat highThreshold)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Hysteresis threshold.
From the binary image in >= lowThreshold
only those connected regions are selected for which at least one
location also has in >= highThreshold
The output image will be a binary image with foreground pixels == 1 and background pixels == 0.
must be scalar and real-valued.
dip:: MultipleThresholds(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::FloatArray const& thresholds)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Thresholds an image at multiple values, yielding a labeled image.
will be a dip::DT_UINT8
, dip::DT_UINT16
, dip::DT_UINT32
or dip::DT_UINT64
image, depending on the length
of thresholds
. All pixels below thresholds[ 0 ]
with be assigned the label 0, all pixels greater or
equal to thresholds[ 0 ]
and smaller than thresholds[ 1 ]
will be assigned label 1, etc. Results might
not be as expected if thresholds are not sorted.
must be scalar and real-valued.
dip:: Threshold(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& mask,
dip::Image& out,
dip::String const& method = S::OTSU,
dip::dfloat parameter = infinity)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Automated threshold using method
This function computes an optimal threshold value for in
using method
, and applies it. Returns the found
threshold value. in
must be scalar and real-valued. mask
can optionally select the pixels used to determine
the threshold value. The threshold is applied to the image as a whole, you can combine it with the mask afterwards:
dip::Image bin = dip::Threshold( image, mask, "otsu" ); bin &= mask;
can be one of:
: seedip::IsodataThreshold
: seedip::OtsuThreshold
. This is the default method."minerror"
: seedip::MinimumErrorThreshold
: seedip::GaussianMixtureModelThreshold
: seedip::TriangleThreshold
: seedip::BackgroundThreshold
: seedip::VolumeThreshold
: seedip::FixedThreshold
. The default parameter value is 128.
If parameter
is dip::infinity
, the default parameter value for the method will be used.
dip:: PerObjectEllipsoidFit(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::PerObjectEllipsoidFitParameters const& parameters)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Finds a per-object threshold such that found objects are maximally ellipsoidal.
This function thresholds the image such that all objects found are approximately ellipsoidal, within the bounds expressed
by parameters
. Each object is thresholded at a different level, chosen to maximize its fit to an ellipsoid. The measure
maximized is the ratio of the object’s size (area or volume) to the size of the fitted ellipsoid. Ellipsoids are fitted by
determining the ellipsoid with the same second order central moments as the object at the given threshold level.
must be scalar, real-valued, and be 2D (TODO: port the 3D version of this function also).
will be binary and of the same sizes as in
dip:: Canny(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::FloatArray const& sigmas = {1},
dip::dfloat lower = 0.5,
dip::dfloat upper = 0.9,
dip::String const& selection = S::ALL)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Detect edges in the grey-value image by finding salient ridges in the gradient magnitude
The Canny edge detector finds the ridges in the gradient magnitude of in
, which correspond to the
edges in the image. The gradient magnitude (see dip::GradientMagnitude
) is computed using
Gaussian derivatives, with a sigma of sigma
. The found ridges are pruned to remove the less
salient edges (see dip::NonMaximumSuppression
). Next, a threshold t1
is computed such that
the 1 - upper
fraction of pixels with the highest gradient magnitude are kept. A second threshold,
t2 = t1 * lower
, is selected that determines the minimal gradient magnitude expected for an edge.
All edge pixels equal or larger to t2
, and are in the same connected region as at least one pixel that
is equal or larger to t1
, are selected as the output of this function (see dip::HysteresisThreshold
Finally, a homotopic thinning is applied to reduce the detections to single-pixel–thick lines
(see dip::EuclideanSkeleton
The 1 - upper
fraction is computed over all pixels in the image by default. If the image has relatively
few edges, this can lead to t1
being equal to 0. If this happens, the hysteresis threshold would select
all pixels in the image, and the homotopic thinning will lead to a line across the image that is
unrelated to any edges. Instead, t1
will be set to a value slightly larger than 0.
For more control over the thresholds, the selection
parameter can be set to "nonzero"
, in which
case the fraction 1 - upper
refers to non-zero pixels only; or to "absolute"
, in which case
and lower
represent absolute threshold values, and t1
will be set to upper
and t2
will be set to lower
must be scalar, real-valued, and have at least one dimension.
The Canny edge detector was originally described, and typically implemented, for 2D images only.
Here we provide an obvious extension to arbitrary dimensions. The final homotopic thinning is
only applied in 2D and 3D, since dip::EuclideanSkeleton
is not defined for other dimensionalities.
dip:: Superpixels(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::Random& random,
dip::dfloat density = 0.005,
dip::dfloat compactness = 1.0,
dip::String const& method = S::CW,
dip::StringSet const& flags = {})
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Generates superpixels (oversegmentation)
indicates how many superpixels, on average, should be created. It is given in superpixels per pixel.
That is, 1/density
is the average size of the superpixels.
controls the shape of the superpixels. Reducing this value leads to superpixels that more
precisely follow image contours, but also are more varied in size and shape. Increasing this value leads
to more isotropic superpixels and less variation in size.
controls the method used to generate superpixels. Currently only "CW"
is supported. This is the
compact watershed superpixel segmentation (Neubert and Protzel, 2014).
can contain the following flags:
(default) or"hexagonal"
: controls the basic shape of the superpixels (the shape they tend towards ascompactness
increases). For 3D images,"hexagonal"
implies an FCC grid (seedip::FillRandomGrid
). For images with more than 3 dimensions,"rectangular"
will always be used. -
"no gaps"
indicates that the superpixels must cover the whole image. By default a 1-pixel gap is left in between superpixels.
must be real-valued. If not scalar, the norm of the gradient magnitude for each tensor element is used
to determine where edges are located. In the case of a color image, no color space conversion is performed,
the image is used as-is. It is recommended to pass an image in an appropriate color space for superpixel
segmentation, such as CIE Lab.
dip:: Superpixels(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat density = 0.005,
dip::dfloat compactness = 1.0,
dip::String const& method = S::CW,
dip::StringSet const& flags = {})
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Like above, using a default-initialized dip::Random
dip:: GraphCut(dip::Image const& in,
dip::Image const& markers,
dip::Image& out,
dip::dfloat sigma = 30.0,
dip::dfloat lambda = 1.0,
dip::dfloat gamma = 0.0)
#include "diplib/segmentation.h"
Graph-cut segmentation
Applies the graph-cut segmentation algorithm to the image in
as described by Boykov and Jolly (2001).
Pixels in markers
with the value 1 are determined by the called to be object pixels; pixels
with the value 2 are background pixels. All other pixels will be assigned to either foreground
or background by the algorithm.
A dip::DirectedGraph
is constructed in which each pixel is a vertex. Neighboring pixels
(4-connected neighborhood in 2D, 6-connected in 3D) are connected with an edge in either direction,
both with a weight given by
where is given by sigma
, and and are the two pixel’s intensities.
Additionally, two terminal nodes are added to the graph (the source and the sink nodes). These
are joined by edges to all pixels. The weights of these edges are determined by markers
. Pixels where
markers == 1
(the foreground marker) are connected to the source node by an edge with an infinite weight.
Likewise, pixels where markers == 2
(the background marker) are connected to the sink node by an edge
with an infinite weight.
The weight of edges to all other pixels is determined by intensity statistics of the pixels known
to be foreground and background, and the distances to those pixels, as described next.
The function computes a histogram of all pixels marked as foreground, a histogram of all pixels marked as background, a distance from each pixel to the nearest foreground pixel, and a distance from each pixel to the nearest background pixel.
The histograms and are smoothed according to the Freedman–Diaconis rule for bin width, to approximate a kernel density estimate of the pixel intensities of foreground and background. We now compute and likewise for . We denote the value of this function at the bin corresponding to the intensity of pixel .
The weights of the edges from the source node to all pixels (that are not in a marker) is now given by
(Indeed, the source weights are determined using the intensity statistics and distances for the background marker).
is given by lambda
and is given by gamma
The weights of the edges for the sink node are computed identically using and .
controls the relative importance of intensity information with respect to the edges in the image.
controls the relative importance of distances to the markers.
It is 0 by default, as Boykov and Jolly did not mention distances in their original paper.
Adding in a distance is an attempt to avoid the bias towards placing the segmentation boundary tightly around
the foreground or background marker. The value of gamma
obviously must depend on the size of the image and
the distances between foreground and background markers, and should always be very small to avoid these
distances trumping everything. Note that the distances computed are influenced by the pixel sizes of in
We can make some simplifications to the graph in a way that the minimal cut is not affected. This simplification allows us to have, for each pixel, either an edge to only the source or to only the sink, but never both. This saves a significant amount of memory and computation time.
Finally, this function calls dip::GraphCut
to compute the globally optimal segmentation of the graph. All pixels connected to the source node will
become object pixels in the output binary image.
must be scalar and real-valued. markers
must have the same sizes and be of an unsigned integer type.